UNC Greensboro

Five-year NIH Grant Awarded 2019-2024


Dr. Méndez (CoPI) in collaboration with researchers from East Carolina University, North Carolina State University, and North Carolina A & T State University was awarded a five-year  SEPA NIH research grant for an interdisciplinary project titled More PEAS Please! Bridging the Gap Between Preschool and K-12 Learning Environments. 

Four-year NSF Grant Awarded 2021-2025

Speaking Sciences

Dr. Méndez (PI) was awarded a research grant, from the National Science Foundation to support a 4-year research project: Bilingualtek: An Integrated Science-Language Instructional Approach for Latino Preschoolers. 

ASHA Grant Awarded August 2017


Dr. Méndez (PI) received a grant from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to develop and implement a bilingual academic vocabulary intervention supported by technology for Latino preschoolers called BiTech: A Technology-Based Bilingual Vocabulary Instruction for Latino Children (2017-2018).